2024 IEEE 7th Student Conference on Electric Machines and Systems



2024 IEEE 7th Student Conference on Electric Machines and Systems



2024 IEEE 7th Student Conference on Electric Machines and Systems

||     Presentation Guidelines


    1. If your presentation format is on-site oral, the presentation file should be saved in a USB portable disk and taken to the conference at your oral session.

    2. If your presentation format is poster, the presentation file should be sent the also before Oct. 5th.

    3. Tips: All email subjects are in the format of [Poster - Paper ID - Paper title]. For example, [Poster -1- My title].

On-site Oral 

1. Each oral presentation will have 10 minutes for talk and 2 minutes for Q&A.

2. Session rooms will be prepared with computers installed with Windows 10 and MS PowerPoint, which the speakers are encouraged to use for their presentation.

3. The aspect ratio of the slides is 16:9. An oral slides template is provided as a recommended style. Authors are also allowed to design by themselves with the logo of SCEMS 2024 being necessary.

4. Papers without authors' presentation at the corresponding oral session will be treated as "no-show" situation.

Presentation Procedure

1.  Please save your presentation files (both in PPT and PDF format to avoid technical problems such as missing fonts) on a USB  memory stick and bring it to the session room.  A backup is recommended to avoid unexpected problems.

2. Speakers should arrive at their session rooms 15 minutes before the start of the sessions, so as to check in  with the session chair and copy their presentation files to the presentation computers.

On-site Poster

1. The poster will be printed in A0 portrait format (1189mm height × 841mm width).

2. Title, authors' information, and the poster number (which is your submission ID) MUST be included in the poster.

3. The template is provided as a recommended style. You are also allowed to design by yourself with the logo of SCEMS 2024 being necessary.

4. Please submit your poster in PDF format before Oct. 5th.

5. Please ensure that the text and figures of your poster are large and clear enough to be read.

6. Simply posting a copy of the paper will be treated as "no-show" situation.

Presentation Procedure

1. Posters should be set up by the presenter at least 5 minutes before the session starts. During the session, the presenters should stay beside their posters.

2. The poster presenter MUST be available to explain the details and answer questions during the session. 

"No-show" papers will not be published in the conference proceedings or IEEE database!

Poster template download
Oral template download